jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

The History of thanksgiving

Here is a short summary of the history of Thanksgiving in America:


A song for the little ones:


;-) Teacher María


Today is Thanksgiving Day and it is a moment to be thankful for everything we have, our families and friends, our school, teachers, students, etc.  Our 4th grade students have made a tree of thanks to celebrate it.

And our 3th grade students have made a turkey of thanks.

;-) Teacher María

2nd of primary

                                                         UNIT:  ANIMALS


Mammals give birth to live babies

Mammals drink their mother´s milk


domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013


Durante la semana de Halloween nuestros alumnos han realizado diferentes actividades. Os dejamos unos videos que se han trabajado con alumnos de 1er y 2º ciclo de primaria.

Teacher Raquel  ;)

martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

The Respiratory System

Let's have a look at how we breathe and what the process of the respiratory system is.

;-) Teacher María

The digestive system in 4ºB

Our pupils from 4ºB consolidate their learning about "The Digestive System" making a Project with plasticine. They worked in groups of three and enjoyed a lot.

;-) Teacher María

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013


Hi guys!!!
4th Primary students are studying our body and its different systems: respiratory, excretory, reproductive,...Here you are some pictures with a digestive system project. Well done!!!

lunes, 17 de junio de 2013


During a few days we have talked about THE TIME: the past and the present.And we have done an amazing game. All the pupils have brought photos when they were younger, even when they were babies. We have glued them in a poster. After that they had to guess who were they. We had a lot of laughs with this activity.

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2013

World Environment Day 2013

World Environment Day (WED) 2013 is on the 5th of June.
The theme for this year’s World Environment Day celebrations is Think.Eat.Save. Think.Eat.Save is an anti-food waste and food loss campaign that encourages you to reduce your foodprint.
According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), every year 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted. This is equivalent to the same amount produced in the whole of sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, 1 in every 7 people in the world go to bed hungry and more than 20,000 children under the age of 5 die daily from hunger.



sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013


Más fotos de nuestros alumnos trabajando en el huerto.
More photos of our pupils working in the vegetable garden.

Por último, queremos agradecer a los alumnos de 4º ESO y a su profesora Carmen Pérez su ayuda en la realización de esta experiencia.
Os dejamos con una foto de todo el grupo de trabajo.

Finally, we want to thank secondary pupils an their teacher Carmen Perez for helping and doing with us this activity.
Here, you can see a photo of all the group  :)


Los alumnos de 2ºC han realizado una interesante y divertida actividad con los alumnos de 4º ESO.
El pasado 24 de marzo, los alumnos de 2ºC, bajaron al huerto que tenemos en nuestro centro. Allí nos estaban esperando alumnos de 4ºESO.
Cada alumno de secundaria se hizo cargo de 2-3 alumnos de primaria y les explicaron conceptos básico relativos al cuidado del huerto. También les enseñaron a remover la tierra, a hacer los agujeros para plantar vegetales y a regar adecuadamente lo plantado.
Nuestros alumnos plantaron los siguientes vegetales: tomates, pimientos, lechugas, cebollas y calabacines.

2nd year C pupils have done an interesting and funny activity with a group of secondary pupils.
The last 24th March, our pupils went to the vegetable garden we have in our school, and there, we met with the pupils of 4º ESO.
Each secondary pupil was in charge or 2-3 primary pupils. They explained to them main concepts related to taking care of the vegetable garden. They taught them to remove the soil, to make the holes for planting the vegetables and to water the plants, too.
Our pupils planted the following vegetables: tomatoes, peppers, lettuces, onions and courgettes.